
While many private Christian school are affiliated with a specific denomination or church, CCCS believes it is possible to provide a faith-based education and character development that incorporates families from all Christian denominations. In addition to daily Bible classes and a curriculum based on a biblical worldview, we hold chapel services on Wednesday mornings for our students.

Each chapel puts an emphasis on God and His Word, using a combination of music, drama, and dynamic Bible teaching. Our elementary chapels focus on how we interact with those around us in a loving and Christ-centered way, and incorporate songs, demonstrations, and Bible memorization.

Our middle and high school chapels dive a little deeper into God's Word and the way we interact with the world around us, even when peer pressure tries to steer us away from God's truth. A student praise band leads the group in worship songs, and a wide variety of chapel speakers are invited to challenge the students. Past speakers include members of local clergy, those in regional para-church ministries, and members of our own faculty, staff, and alumni community.

Throughout the year, special all-school chapels are held to celebrate a specific occasion, and are designed to include members of the broader CCCS community. Past services include Pastor Appreciation, Thanksgiving Chapel, Easter Chapel, and National Day of Prayer.